Analogue Synth and Electroacoustic Music Explorations & Tutorials
Robe Music Moog Matriarch Patch Book
A collection of 60+ patches for the Moog Matriarch compiled from the RobeMusic YouTube Channel.
+ 5 Exclusive Patches (& Variations)
Links to Exclusive Tutorial Videos are included.
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Guide to Modular Synthesis
VOL 1: Subtractive Synthesis
A basic guide to modular and subtractive synthesis using the free VST Eurorack simulator VCV.
Includes module overviews, demo patches and patch explanations.
VCV patches included.
Matriarch Touch OSC Template
Turn an iPad, tablet or old phone into a MIDI controller.
Use Touch OSC and this custom made template for the Moog Matriarch to gain tactile control over MIDI CC and Global Settings. No more need to memorize global functions!