This video is a revisit of a previously posted patch (that had some issues with the patch diagram). I’ve corrected the patch diagrams for the previous patch…they can be found here:
This time, I do a step-by-step explanation of the patch, but instead of using Make Noise Math’s logic outs to generate rhythmic variation, I do it all internally on the Matriarch.
The stereo filter of the Matriarch is the sound source, producing sine waves by self-oscillating the filter.
Pitch CV is generated by the Matriarch ARP/SEQ (and offset for the second voice). The ARP/SEQ gate out is synced to the MODULATION section. Pulse WAVE is inverted and used as gate signal for second voice.
Some added bonuses: Pitch tracked Amplitude Modulation and a “spring reverb” type sound generated by the Matriarch’s delay.
Moog Matriarch
detailed patch diagrams below